Saturday, January 8, 2011

Greek 101.

have you ever heard of this place before ? well, Greece is a country that has citizens and most importantly a GOVERNMENT. but why the heck Greece concerns me right now ? i think its because a friend of mine made a comment about you know what is a bit like you know what that involves GREECE ! wow i sound happy today.*cynical grin that followed with a fake smile*. yes. back to Greece. okay, every country has a certain aspect that made them famous, The US has pizzas, burritos and sushis that made them famous, Malaysia has their politics and fucked up systems while Greece has their mythology. Greek mythology what ? c'mon guys. i know you all watched 'Percy Jackson'.

the comment my friend made was about my last blog post that reminded her of Greek mythology. for real dude? lets dedicate this post to that comment she made. lets talk about my favourite Greek mythology character -a hunter named 'Narcissus' that hails from Thespia. the great Bob Dylan once wrote "Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool /And when he sees his reflection, he's fulfilled". that's Narcissus alright. you guys might be familiar with the story of Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection when he stumbled upon a pool. it was a punishment. he disdains those who loved him for his renowned beauty. he stared at his own reflection to his demise as he just cant leave the beauty of his own reflection. pretty sick ? well, that's where the word 'narcissist' came from. of course you all know that fact. but the story that really intrigues me happened before that. the story involves another character named 'Echo', a mountain nymph who loved her own voice. she fell in love with Narcissus. one day, she followed him into the woods. Narcissus finally heard footsteps and shouted "who's there?", Echo answered "who's there?". she is rejected as Narcissus asked to be left alone. Echo cries until she turned into stone and an invisible Echo haunts the earth until today. wait. do i sound super intellectual when i talk about Greek mythology ? don't be fooled, i wiki-ed all of these 10 minutes ago.

the story of Narcissus and Echo sparked thoughts. a person's love is rejected for the love he has for himself. today, a person's love towards him or herself won't surpass the love for that other half. the longing for affection, lust and love itself is a force to be reckon with. but then, where lies all the problems ? well, everything else is the problem. each and everyone of us no matter how nice or how mean we are have at least a slight amount of narcissism, ego, arrogance, envy and jealousy in us. sometimes we subconsciously suggest that we are better than everyone else, sometimes we feel slightly or perhaps greatly superior than others and even feel weird for others' success. if not now, later. it happens. either in relationships, friendships, with colleagues or with families. if someone said having a sense of narcissism is fucked up, that someone is suggesting that we are all fucked up in a certain way. but a pure narcissist today is not like Narcissus. instead of rejecting one's love for the love of himself, the element of narcissism is replaced by the great urge of being wanted by the society and that's fucked up. there is no such thing as 'flawless'. we are all flawed and through this flaws we became human.

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