Thursday, March 3, 2011

save the earth save your soul save yourself.

'Jonny Sniper' by Enter Shikari

"this is a quest to save the world and we'll always be here for another, another day another chance to rescue"

if you decide to check the video out and listen to the song, you might not understand some of the words they uttered as they are brits and brits have that accent of theirs. the quotation above is a part of the song. its about the earth crying out and telling us to behave and not to be destructive. another day another chance to rescue. but the earth is on the brink of a catastrophic destruction as the days pass. the word malice is an understatement if someone chose to associate it with us humans. save the earth.

well,it wasn't my intention to preach about the environment. I'd be a hypocrite. i litter, i use a massive amount of electrical energy everyday, i waste water and the most I've done for the environment was the act of turning off the lights in my household once a year for an hour and spotting a 'WWF' t-shirt once in a while.okay, that's enough about the environment. now about sex. Jonny Sniper is a actually a fictional character in a sex education video that shoots condoms out of a sniper rifle. I'm not sure what relates Jonny with the environment but do protect yourselves. there wont be any accidental and unwanted babies when your Jonny wears a cap. save yourself.

this song shares a certain element that a few other songs possess. that vibe that could make someone feel better. that vibe that could make me feel better. lets put this in a larger context. music can make a big impact in one's life. I've seen countless people claiming that music is everything to them and they can't live without music and stuffs like that. it baffles me when these same people resorted to substances and alcohol to drown their sorrows. why ? drowning your sorrows isn't in the list of 'everything' ? at the end of the day, everyone is miserable. for some it might be harder and for some it might be easier. its just the way you're handling it. music and lyrics made my life better. if you want to do anything in life do it with all the right reasons. to drown sorrows isn't the right reason to drink and use. save your soul.

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