Saturday, April 30, 2011

"i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it"

hey lets just randomly talk about Facebook. yes, the almighty Facebook. the Facebook that Assbook worships to. personally to me, Facebook is at times amusing. check this. someone posted a status about how she hates this other girl. "you bitch, i fucking hate you i wish you would just jump off a building or something and just fucking die". call me sick but i find this amusing. not just amusing, i find it fucking amusing.

you know why i'm so amused ? first of all, theres irony in their statements. those statements are made to degrade and smear shit on his or her target of hatred. little do they now, theres always a person like me who degrades them for being a total prick, a coward, disrespectful, shameful and plain stupid. second of all, why just wish them to die ? go ahead and fucking kill them if you really do loathe them to that extent. like dung beetles fighting over a pile of dung. at the end of the day the only thing they get is just a pile of dung.

one thing us rational people need to understand is that a statement means nothing if there is no reaction towards it. a Facebook status means nothing if no one 'likes' it or post a comment under it. i'll break it down for you, theres two sides to this. the individuals who agrees with the statement so that they can be good friends to that slightly uneducated person and kiss his or her ass all day long versus the individuals who are against it. i really don't want to elaborate on the first group but let me talk about the second.

hear me out rational people out there. the individuals who are against these malicious statements are basically true friends. its that simple. if you want to differentiate between fake friends and true friends ask another true friend to post a fake malicious statement about you on Facebook. those who back you up are true friends and those who just don't give a damn are fake ones. well, if you're reading this and goes -"really'' ? i'd say you're dumb. even five year olds nowadays can identify sarcasm.

during my over-dramatic days i would take a bullet for my friend. but now in my i'm-cool-and-rational days i would willingly pull them out of a fight if they're in any. thats just me.. i guess. it baffles me people. is bad mouthing and arguing with someone a noble action of 'backing up your friend' ? and does it make you cool or something to publicly humiliate someone and degrade them with an array of disrespectful words? your tongue might be the dagger and i might be bleeding but come on people. have some self-respect and maturity. you guys reminds me of  some13 year old snots who just found out the meaning of the word 'bitch'. hence, i dub this post as "i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it". though i'm very much livid with these people, i'm still amused to be a spectator in this ever changing world of drama. till then.


  1. oh wow ariff i didn't know u blog. LOL. u sound very much angry in the post, chill k. =)

  2. hey amanda, i only blog if theres something to blog about. nahhh i wasn't that angry but was quite annoyed i guess, thanks amanda. :)

  3. LOL dun call me amanda, manda will do. =)

  4. aha okay manda, see you in june ! :)
